By God's Grace celebrates his lifetime of devotional service to humanity, the environment, and the Supreme.
The book traces Pujya Swami's journey from childhood in the jungles of India to the company of world leaders, from Himalayan villages to the podiums of the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and other venues of global change.
His projects are unprecedented, including a cleanup of the 1,560-mile long Ganges River and a six-million-word encyclopedia of Hinduism. Swamiji's teachings are profoundly simple, frequently wrapped in humor, and applicable to all.
The prodigal variety of stories ranges from evocations at the mountainous summit of the world, from cacophonous urban battlefields to silent forest retreats - an impassioned life, a one-man civilization drawn in bold strokes and bright colors. Here is a journey of the enlightened life to be cherished again and again.
By God's Grace
Hardcover | $50.00
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